Here at Opkill Pest Control, we are dedicated to giving our customers the best possible services, covering a wide range of issues. In our endeavour to find the best treatments for your pest control needs, we have been in discussions to bring you the latest and greatest in insect control technology.
As a result, we are now proudly offering heat treatment options to all of our customers, both on a domestic/residential or commercial basis. But, what is heat treatment, and how can it help you? Find out in our fact file below;
What is Heat Treatment?
Rather than traditional spray treatments which only kill live bed bugs meaning multiple treatments are required, heat treatment is a new technology which treats bedbugs in all life stages, including the egg. The main benefit there is rather than waiting for eggs to hatch before the infestation can be controlled, any bed bug infestation can be dealt with in a single visit.
How does it work?
The Puratak System uses a combination of heat, steam and spray to deal with the infestation. Specially designed heaters build the temperature of an infested property to between 52.5 and 70 degrees Centigrade – this is known as the “kill zone”, where bedbugs in all life stages will die. The temperatures are monitored through a computer system which plots a graph to display the system’s progress. Then, all areas are steamed, including walls as required, and finally a crack and crevice spray is put around the area.
Where can it be used?
The only stipulations are that we need 240V electricity, and that the property is sealed to build heat in (so somewhere with no windows for example wouldn’t work).
What are its uses?
- Bed Bugs
- Fleas
- Stored Product Insects in grain stores
What are the benefits of using this system?
- Far less preparation is required: The house must be de-cluttered, aerosols removed and things that could be susceptible to heat such as candles and vinyl records. Hanging clothes are fine, and as long as drawers are not too tightly packed, they can be left.
- Heat kills the bed bugs straight away rather than waiting for a chemical treatment to be effective.
- The treatment is over in one day, not six weeks as can happen when multiple chemical treatments are required.
- A 6-month warranty is offered for peace of mind. We will come back at our own cost, usually to undertake a small chemical spray, to deal with any residual issues.
Booking a Service
The price of a heat treatment will change depending on the number of rooms which require treatment, the size of the area, and the extent of the infestation. Our field-based staff are supported by a dedicated team of managers, administration and call centre staff at our UK head office in Worcestershire. They are your first point of call for all your insect control needs. To book receive a quote for a heat treatment, you can contact Opkill Pest Control direct via our enquiry form on our website; or alternatively, you can call our sales team who are happy to help on 0800 980 41 42.