Our domestic monitoring service offers an integrated Pest management package which encompass a cost effective solution at at a very competitive price without compromising professionalism.
Domestic Monitoring Contracts
We can offer a standard visit program from 2 visits a year up to as many as required. We also pride ourselves that our plans, unlike many others, are able to offer a free of charge call out service to all specifications and NOT just our premium customers.
Opkill are large and skilled enough to cover all pest types under contracts. These can be specified and tailored to suit your needs, keeping the cost down and ensuring compliance with any environmental visits or pest control audits.
1-4 Bedroom
6 Visits per annum
Starting from
Covers rats and mice - monitoring (call outs and follow ups at an extra charge)
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Call out fees apply
1-5 Bedroom
6 Visits per annum
Starting from
Covers rats and mice - 6 routine visits per year; 2 call outs; 2 follow ups (internal only)
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Limited Call outs
1-5 Bedroom
8 Visits per annum
starting from
Covers rats and mice - 8 routine visits per year; unlimited call outs; & follow ups (internal only)
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Free Call out service