Insect Control

Insects in the home not only can be unsightly and unsettling but can also contribute to the spread of diseases such as salmonella, typhoid, dysentery and gastro-enteritis. Many of these disease-risks are more commonly associated with a cockroach infestation. The risk of contracting these diseases can sometimes be increased within the elderly and younger children and are generally transferred via ingestion through contamination of food stuffs and surfaces that insects have come in contact with.

Opkill insect control can help your home become pest free using a number of services which may include Insect sprays, Insect dusting, or even using heat treatment.

Many customers may be unaware that they have an insect infestation present at their premises, that’s why Opkill are also able to offer a pest insect control monitoring treatment. This treatment is a very effective solution enabling Opkill to identify early infestations before they get out of control.

Insect control programmes are very cost effective and require no need for sprays and dust treatments unless infestations are indicated.

Fleas in the home

Do you have pets? Are they scratching excessively particularly around the head and neck? Have the pets or yourself experience itching or bites? If so you may have a flea problem – give us a call for more information on how to treat this annoying pest.


Call us on 0800 980 41 42 for a discreet service


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