Having issues with Moths?
CALL US NOW FREE on 0800 980 41 42
Although there is no severe health risks associated with these pests they can cause significant levels of damage to your textile possessions. They normally feed on the protein Keratin which can be found in natural fibres such as cotton, wools, silks and much more… Although the presence of natural fibre is not always required for these pest to cause damage.
What to look for?
The most common textiles in our homes/premises are carpets and often the presence of moths and other textile pests are closely followed by damaged. This can normally be seen with the naked eye located behind furniture and areas which may have not moved for some time. It is also likely that the larvae may be visible or the castell cocoons are left behind
Common clothes Moth Case Bearing Moth Brown House Moth White Shouldered Moth
Adults: 6-8 mm Colour: Pale yellow Larvae: White with dark head Damage: Irregular Holes |
Adults: 6-8 mm Colour: Dark with faint marks Larvae: white carry cocoon Damage: regular Holes |
Adults: 8-14 mm Colour: Brown & dark spots Larvae: White 20mm in size Damage: Natural fibres |
Adults: 6-10 mm Colour: White head dark wings Larvae: White with dark head Damage: stored products |
Having issues with Moths?
CALL US NOW FREE on 0800 980 41 42
Although there is no severe health risks associated with these pests they can cause significant levels of damage to your textile possessions. They normally feed on the protein Keratin which can be found in natural fibres such as cotton, wools, silks and much more… Although the presence of natural fibre is not always required for these pest to cause damage.
What to look for?
The most common textiles in our homes/premises are carpets and often the presence of moths and other textile pests are closely followed by damaged. This can normally be seen with the naked eye located behind furniture and areas which may have not moved for some time. It is also likely that the larvae may be visible or the castell cocoons are left behind
Common clothes Moth Case Bearing Moth Brown House Moth White Shouldered Moth
Adults: 6-8 mm Colour: Pale yellow Larvae: White with dark head Damage: Irregular Holes |
Adults: 6-8 mm Colour: Dark with faint marks Larvae: white carry cocoon Damage: regular Holes |
Adults: 8-14 mm Colour: Brown & dark spots Larvae: White 20mm in size Damage: Natural fibres |
Adults: 6-10 mm Colour: White head dark wings Larvae: White with dark head Damage: stored products |